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  • Writer's picturePastor S. Evans

Changing Lanes

I drive a lot! In my humble opinion, the whole point of driving is movement…progress…advancement. That’s why being stuck in traffic can be so stressful for some…there is no clear continuous movement. The movement doesn’t even have to be fast, just consistent and the stress lessens. I happen to be one of those people that tend to weave in and out of traffic. Not always because I want to drive faster than the person in front of me…I just don’t want them in front of me. They hinder my progress…they mar my vision of what is ahead of me…to some degree my movement is dependent on what is going on with them…this is not the position I prefer to be in.

I believe this Christian life is intended to be about movement. Are you finding yourself stuck in “traffic”? Are you getting stressed? Are you having difficulty seeing any progress…continuous or otherwise? Remember, it’s not illegal to change lanes! That change can relieve some stress…it is likely to help you see more clearly where you are headed…

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